Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Blinding Power of Free Stuff

Who can forget the 2016 presidential election? I remember (as well as most of you, I'm sure) watching in astonishment as the electoral college came out strongly in favor of President Trump. Little could anyone have predicted the impact that election would have on this country. One of my favorite talk show hosts, Mark Levin, has repeatedly stated on his radio program that what has happened since then regarding the ongoing investigations is the biggest political scandal in American history. I have no doubt that truly objective historic scholars of the future will support his view. My question is, why don't more people recognize that fact today? The answer is something that violent revolutionaries and mob bosses have known for centuries, and it's what Democrats have been working toward for about a century - free stuff.

Free stuff is great. It's probably the best part about being a kid. Granted, where you came from has a lot to do with the quality and quantity of this stuff, but nevertheless, free stuff is awesome. I will admit that, even though I was never lacking in free stuff as a kid, I still wanted more. So I shoplifted, a lot. This was a way to not only get more cool free stuff, but there was a bit of a thrill in the getting of it. That is, until I got caught. Then, reality hit me and I realized that after a while the stuff stops becoming free, but it was fun while it lasted!

Now, what does this have to do with the election? Glad I asked!

Once people have established a pipeline for free stuff, it becomes really difficult to turn that pipeline off. Jails are full of people who rob, evade taxes, steal cars, etc. Most are repeat offenders. When you live in a society that tells you that you deserve more things and that it's important to have this stuff [it's important because it will make people think you're more important], the temptation to cross the line to get it is just too much for some to resist. But what if there was an easier way? Good news, there is! Just vote Democrat! But, there's a catch. A saying that has never failed to be true for me is, "if something seems too good to be true, it probably is." Unfortunately, that applies here too (darn!).

Like I said earlier, mob bosses and drug lords use this mentality to subdue the moral outrage of the people that benefit from their magnanimity.

"Yes, officer, that is 100 kilos of cocaine. Here's $100,000 and, just between you and me, it's actually just powdered sugar."

"I did hear that Don Battaglia sent Giuseppe to see his grandma [backstory: Giuseppe's grandma is dead], but he built this school here, and Giuseppe was kind of a culo anyway," said Vinny.

And that's the other trick - make the other guy look like a culo. So as long as Trump looks like a culo and Vinny gets free stuff, he's fine with going along with the whole thing. What's the other saying, "don't bite the hand that feeds you?"

So, here we have a president who has committed no crime, no obstruction of justice, no collusion, none of it. Yet there is a special prosecutor, the likes of which has never been seen in American history, who is running a-mock and there are people who see what is going on, yet they pretend like it's somehow justified. Oh what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive. I would argue that the fundamental deceptions which are tangling the webs inside these minds are aimed within. Once we have convinced ourselves that a mistruth is a truth, it is sure to further condemn our thinking as more of our thinking is rooted in falsehood. The depth of our belief system at which point a lie takes hold determines the vastness of its ramifications. Not to get into a theological discussion here, but the belief in God (and second only to that - what you believe about God) is the most fundamental place a lie can take hold.

Now, back to my argument...

If president Trump is being grossly mistreated and we have millions of people who go along with it, then it is because they have convinced themselves at a fundamental level that this treatment is justified, not under the laws of the land, but under a moral law that they must twist in order to rectify with the actions of, say, Hillary Clinton, just for example. I mean, she smashed 9 Blackberrys with hammers... [crickets] but I digress.

The point is they look the other way for the schools, healthcare, food stamps, free college, social security (such a specious name), housing subsidies, etc.. Sounds like they have just about all the bases covered. Free stuff is powerful, and the more of it you take from someone the more of you they control.

One of my favorite rappers is DMX and his song "Damien" is a great example of what I'm talking about. If anyone cares to, they can follow the link below to the lyrics.

I hope that people wake up and realize what is going on in this country. We need Americans to say, "no thanks," to public assistance and together, we can help each other move toward prosperity for everyone. How do we do that, you ask?

To Be Continued...

Damien [lyrics]

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Journey Begins...

This is my first blog.

This is my first blog post.

This is my first blog post in my first blog... I can only sit here and wonder where it will go from here. Will one person read this (who isn't forced to by the guilt of their own conscience when I ask them to)? Who knows? But one thing is for sure, it's worth it just to begin... so here we (I?) go!

I decided to start writing this blog for several reasons - to get better at writing, to express myself in a more useful way, to hopefully inspire a few of my friends to follow along (Evan Brooks). But in the end, I think it is just better to create than not to create, and that's really the essence of what this blog is all about - creation!

Lemme 'splain. You may have taken notice of the title - Wedding Soup. Aside from being Italian and delicious, it's also a conglomeration of leftovers, scraps, bits, and pieces of other things, thrown together into one cohesive dish. That's what I will be attempting here. I will essentially be talking about anything and everything that interests me!

We are at a time of great misunderstandings and gross neglect of the truth. The truth is out there, so let's go and find it together, instead of being at each other's throats. So with that in mind, I want to help bridge some divides, or at least demonstrate that we can have vast disagreements on what we believe in, but if we are true to what we all confess, which is that we are compassionate, then we must start by being compassionate to everyone that we see. Hopefully, I will be able to follow through on that priority.

I want to encourage people to post their opinions on this blog, but I don't want it to turn into a typical social media thread. I will not be replying directly to any comments left here unless it is requested of me specifically. I will take into consideration what is being said and incorporate these thoughts into future posts maybe, but I am not going to be attempting to defend what I post in the comments section. I think this will help encourage people to say what they want to say and not worry about me, or anyone else I hope, from trying to minimize what they say. Instead, I hope that we end up with several differing viewpoints for all to consider together.

The world can be a wonderful place, if you let it. there is so much to marvel at. But our perspective and our thinking can greatly disrupt our ability to enjoy the life that we have. We only get one chance to live this life. I know I have wasted so much of mine, but being in the present and contemplating what possible futures await keep me from ruminating over what I can never rectify. Creating is also a vital part of how we reach our true potential. We can do great things if we are united and I believe, despite the current environment, that we are truly more united than we think we are.

I am excited to be starting this journey and I hope that I can encourage a few of you to come along.

In a World of Identity Politics, Priorities Matter

It seems like there are many people out there who want us to break each other down into little bite-sized pieces, disassemble one another, ...